Grantee: Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Project Lead: Rochel Gelman, Ph.D.
Grant Title: What is dyscalculia? A question for collaborative study
Program Area: Bridging Brain, Mind & Behavior
Grant Type: Collaborative Activity Award
Year Awarded: 2003
Project Summary:
Learning disabilities is an area where there is more political and ideological heat than research-based light. Yet, we should be able to apply advances in cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and neuroscience to help people with learning disabilities. The purpose of this collaborative is to develop a strategy that would allow scientists and educators to apply what we know about development, learning, and teaching in the area of special education. Dyslexia is the most prevalent learning disability, but it is a highly charged area, politically and emotionally, where it would be difficult to develop a strategy for applying mind-brain science to learning. For this reason, the collaborative will use dyscalculia