Brown University
David Badre, Ph.D.
Foundations of goal-directed behavior: Neural and cognitive processes supporting cognitive control
École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Sophie Denève, Ph.D.
Causal Inference with spiking neurons
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Josh McDermott, Ph.D.
The Computational Basis of Human Audition: Representation, Recognition, and Segregation
Radboud University Nijmegen, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Roshan Cools, Ph.D.
Understanding motivation and cognition: Combining psychology and neuropharmacology
University of California - San Diego
John Serences, Ph.D.
Linking attentional modulations in human visual cortex with perception and behavior
University of Cambridge
Jon Simons, Ph.D.
Getting a Grip on the Subjective Experience of Remembering
University of Oxford
Gaia Scerif, Ph.D.
Effects of attention disorders on developing cognition: Mechanisms and plasticity
Atlanta Research and Education Foundation Inc.
Paul García, M.D., Ph.D.
Probing the overlap between sleep and anesthesia to enhance human cognition
Brazilian Society for Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC)
Sidarta Riberio, Ph.D.
Support for the Third Latin American School on Education and the Cognitive and Neural Sciences
The Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Fred H. Gage, Ph.D.
Adult neurogenesis: bridging the gap between model organisms and human cognition
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
George A. Mashour, M.D., Ph.D.
Reconstructing consciousness and cognition
Emory University
Ilya Nemenman, Ph.D.
In search of simplicity: Coarse-graining cellular information processing networks
Harvard Medical School
Matthew Bonds, Ph.D.
Poverty Traps and the Ecology of Economic Development
Johns Hopkins University
Noah Cowan, Ph.D.
Decoding Complex Animal Behavior Via Sparsity
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Alex Arenas, Ph.D.
Multilevel analysis of complex networked systems
University of California - Los Angeles
Priyanga Amarasekare, Ph.D.
Uncovering mechanisms of diversity maintenance: the interplay between abiotic environmental variation and non-linear biotic interactions
University of Cape Town
Graeme Cumming, Ph.D.
Complexity, Networks, and Spatial Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems
University of Guelph
Madhur Anand, Ph.D.
Coupled human-environment system dynamics and alternative stable states in complex mosaic ecosystems
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Peter J. Mucha, Ph.D.
Community Detection in Networks Across Time
Harvard Medical School
Adam C. Palmer
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Harvard University
Nick Gravish
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Harvard University
Shamim Nemati
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Harvard University
Michal Rabani
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Jonathan R. Karr
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
New York University
Elad Ganmor
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Princeton University
Andrew Hein
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Stanford University
Elena F. Koslover
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Michelle L. Wynn
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
University of Pennsylvania
Lu Feng
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Baylor College of Medicine
Stephen Gottschalk, M.D.
Improving EphA2-targeted T-cell Therapy for Glioma
Columbia University
Andrew Lassman, M.D.
Phase II Clinical Trial of Perifosine + Temsirolimus for Recurrent Glioblastoma with Tissue and Imaging Correlates of Response
German Cancer Research Center
Stefan Pfister, M.D.
Use of cerebrospinal fluid genetics for the diagnosis, subgrouping, and minimal residual disease monitoring in medulloblastoma (update March 2012)
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ltd
Frank Furnari, Ph.D.
EGFR inhibitor resistance in glioblastoma: deciphering the role of FGFR-mediated PTEN phosphorylation
University of California - San Francisco
Joanna Phillips, M.D., Ph.D.
Proteoglycans as novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets in glioblastoma
Washington University in St. Louis
David H. Gutmann, M.D., Ph.D.
Brain Tumor Ecology Collaborative (BTEC)