Radboud University Nijmegen
Floris P. de Lange, Ph.D.
Priors in perception: How foreknowledge changes neural computations
The University of Edinburgh
Sharon Goldwater, Ph.D.
Understanding synergies in language acquisition through computational modeling
Università degli Studi di Milano
Marcello Massimini, M.D., Ph.D.
Consciousness and brain complexity: From theory to practice
University of California - San Diego
Adam R. Aron, Ph.D.
A stopping circuit for human self control
University of Cambridge
Dénes Szücs, Ph.D.
Cognitive and emotional background of mathematical development: The role of working memory and executive attention in context
University of Oxford
Timothy E. Behrens, Ph.D.
Cortical mechanisms underlying human behavioural control
University of Toronto
Morgan D. Barense, Ph.D.
Seeing is remembering: Probing the common representations underlying memory and perception
Williams College
Nathan Kornell, Ph.D.
Improving self-regulated learning
Ceibal Center for Educational Support of Children and Adolescents
Alejandro Maiche & Juan Valle Lisboa
Support for the Fourth Latin American School on Education and the Cognitive and Neural Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
John W. Krakauer, M.D.
Tracking and altering the time course of spontaneous biological recovery after stroke Phase II
Rotman Research Institute of Baycrest Centre Hospital
A. Randall McIntosh, Ph.D.
Brain Network Recovery Group (Brain NRG) Phase III
University of Oxford
Anna C. Nobre, Ph.D.
Brain Rhythms in Cognition: Instrumental or Epiphenomenal?
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Nicholas D. Schiff, M.D.
Recovery of Consciousness After Severe Brain Injury Phase II
Bangor University
Robert D. Rafal, M.D.
The Visceral Mind: A hands on course in the neuroanatomy of cognition 2014-2016
California Institute of Technology
Lea Goentoro, Ph.D.
Evolving diversity with few parts
Carnegie Mellon University
Ziv Bar-Joseph, Ph.D.
Exploring similarities of network based information processing in biology and computer systems
Case Western Reserve University
Karen C. Abbott, Ph.D.
Alternative stable states and stochasticity in ecological dynamics
The Ohio State University
Thomas J. Hund, Ph.D.
Synchronization of spontaneous activity in the cardiac pacemaker
Tulane University
Caz Taylor, Ph.D.
Migratory Networks: Exploring the dynamics of complex migration systems
University of Barcelona
M. Ángeles Serrano, Ph.D. and Marián Boguñá, Ph.D.
Mapping complexity: Embedding networks in hidden metric spaces
Columbia University
Charles D. Brummitt
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Harvard University
Amy Wesolowski
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Imperial College London
Martin Gould
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Christos Nicolaides
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Santa Fe Institute
Laurent Hébert-Dufresne
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Stanford University
Carolina Tropini
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Universitat de Barcelona
Michele Starnini
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
University of Maryland
Oren Raz
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.
Yale University
Samuel B. Fey
In support of the postdoctoral fellow's research plan.